Tuesday, May 11, 2004

How do we go about it? First step- get the information on the issue. Downloaded and printed two documents: ‘Capability Maturity Model :A Tutorial ' and ‘A Software Process Framework for the SEI Capability Maturity Model’ both from ‘Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University’.

Web site to visit is ‘SEI’.

But still confused. The second document mentioned above is a big one, with detailed description and checklists for the different levels of SW-CMM. And I stop the printing after I completed the listing for level 2. Even that seems to be quite a daunting task to verify that we are doing everything in a copybook style. But again the doubts creep in: should we use this outdated model or is it better we try for CMMI standards?

For us(a small firm), quite a lot of information like the above mentioned tutorial, is available on SW-CMM free of cost from the net, from SEI’s own website – just because they have almost discarded it. Now I know that SW-CMM is in the sunset point.

We have defined out overall goal : To achieve ISO 9000:2000 certification in 6 months time, and while doing so, create the procedures in accordance with the SW-CMM level 3.

First step: Check the requirements of SW-CMM level 2 and 3, and then determine how far we are from an ideal situation by matching our SDLC with a copybook one.

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